? ??????????????Drown The World? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (2 Ratings)??1220 Grabs Today. 6914 Total Grabs.
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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Open House(16/2/2010)

lol..yesterday got open house
but i nvr invite many many ppl
juz invite a few boys..
not dare to invite gurls la..
soli arh xD
cox ltr bro saw sure talk talk..
n also my mom n dad

so many ppl come o
bz serving them kaka

got 6 ppl oni my frenx..
daryl , steven , kah wai , eric , branden , kye shen
gamble wif them..
lose 9 9..almost underwear oso tertanggal
lose 20+
actually lose 30+ de..
but lucky my bro help me win bak abit..
thx him lor..

also very jeluz him..
cox he win rm230+(my 2nd bro)
sumore my eldest brother..
lose rm 100+
my mom n dad..lose rm300+

whole family lose..oni my 2nd bro win..

at the nite..put "mercun"..
so chi kek..
juz ply some then dun wan ply le..
takut..too loud n too kuat
my bro oso scare..hahaha

brenden go bak so late = =
11pm..my mom almost scold me..but not him..
damn tired..

this year angpau quite less also TT
maybe around 12 like tat oni..
wanna thx eric mom..
cox giv me ang pau eventhough i dunoe her